My holiday

My worst part of my holiday 


The worst part of my holiday was one day before we had to come to school. What happened was after I dropped my cousins off at the bus station so they could go back to their own house (that was 8 hours away).When we got back from the bus station i had a really sore ear like it felt like stabbing my ear so we obviously had to go to the doctor and now i’m a bit dea

Coffee club


On the holiday my favourite part was when my auntie uncle here we ordered all of my favourite food like onion rings,ice cream,calamari and way more.When we got there it was around 12:30 so it was like a brunch.All the people i was with was ordering lunch and i was the club.When we got the only one ordering breakfast.My cousin(the oldest one)ordered bacon over flowing chips.It was just fries with bacon on top with extra sauce,she also ordered onion rings that was so good(im craving it so bad).My other cousin(her little sister that is 12)ordered a really juicy burger with lettuce,tomato,onion and way more things that made it juicy.My uncle and anutie both ordered the same thing,they both ordered a steak with an runny runny runny egg that i wanted to pop so bad.Last but not least me,I ordered this big as pancake that was bigger than my own face like way way bigger,it also came with blueberries and banana i also think it came with ice cream and syrup.

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